Friday, October 17, 2008

Blog #43 or, According to Blogspot, This is My #43 Post.

I don't know how I got so mixed up with my numbers. Maybe I should come up with a different system. It could be a little bit tedious when I get up to a bajilliondy blog posts. As if.

There is a skunk in my neighborhood. And yes, I'm talking about a for reals skunk. Not the ward alderman. I could smell it this morning. I have heard no other talk of any kind about skunks in the city. Someone at work asked me if I was sure it wasn't pot. Um. Ew. If people are now smoking pot that smells like skunk, dude, then I really do not understand the kids today. And yes, I have smelt both and I do know the difference. I did large chunks of summers as a kid on a farm. I know me some skunk when I smells it. Besides, I saw a skunk-shaped being waddle across Morse Ave while I was waiting for the train. I wonder if he's on Daley's payroll.....ouch! I wouldn't be making that crack if the CTA wasn't talking about raising fares again. Stupid old people and their free rides. Pfffbbbbt!!! Bite me. And no, I am not giving up my seat for someone who didn't actually pay to get on the bus/train. So there. Yes, I will fake being asleep behind my big, black sunglasses.

And since I am talking about our fine city. I used to read the Tribune every day that I was at work. No more. I just really hate the new layout. I realize how stupid that sounds. But it seems like less paper and when I'm done, I don't feel like I've read the paper at all. So I have been reading the Sun-Times. Maybe I should just read the New York Times and be done with it. At least they talk about fashion and shit.

And speaking of fashion. I still haven't watched more than the very first episode of the most recent Project Runway. Sad, but true.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Blog #39, or Dude, There Is Nothing Scarier Than

hearing the guys outside your apartment who are removing a big-ass tree, yelling, "NO!NO!NO!!! YOUR ROPE! YOUR ROPE MAN! NO! NO! NO! STOP!"

The tree, is(was) taller than the two story building that I live in, and, should it fall, it would mostly fall into my apartment. Especially since now it is almost gone and much shorter.