Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Sweet Mother of Maude I am so full of blogging fail of late. I last posted something in November? That's just sad. Well, seeing as to how my dad is the only one who read this, I suppose it's not really such a big deal.

What's been going on.... all kinds of stuff really.

I am down another cat. Stinkiecat died a week or so ago. Which wasn't too surprising. He had done nothing but lose weight since Alex died last August. Alex died during Halsted Market Days weekend. Which pretty much makes me want to pretend that Halsted Street Market Days doesn't even exist. It just makes me think of the cat.

But Mark's cats seem to really be warming up to me. Flash has finally figured out that he can come and beg me for love when I go to bed and then come back and get more love when Mark comes to bed. He's cute as hell, but dumber than a box of rocks.

It's odd how often I talk about the cats on this, the Needle for Hire blog.

So yeah. I have been going through the piles of fabric with stuff to sell on etsy in mind. I have so many little project bags cut out and partially put together. I got the first round done and had to order more zippers. I ordered over 100 hundred zippers. That's a whole lot of project bags. And that's just the start of it. I haven't even begun to explore the stacks of fabric that are big enough to make aprons, dresses, whatever... out of.

I'll have to post some pictures when I get some taken.

1 comment:

Katy said...

I read your blog too! Its not just your dad.

Sorry about Stinkiecat, its a bummer to lose a pet.