Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Blog #13, or Bettie Blows Off Blogging,

'cause she got bunches and bunches of sewing gigs! Suh-weet!

The boat cushions, done.

The blue baby sweater, done.

MY PINK SOCKS, done. ( and THOSE were on size 0 needles, thankyouverymuch. )

Mom's cashmere Christmas socks, done. Hope she don't read this 'tween now and then....

I am doing a bunch 'o' curtains for someone. Was there Sunday measuring things and then we went to Vogue fabrics on Monday. GORGEOUS fabrics, I can't wait to get it all done so that I can take pictures that I won't be able to figure out how to post on here.

Oooooo, big news to incite jealousy in any knitter who hasn't been invited to join yet.. I got my Ravelry invite Saturday. Very cool. I am very excited to get a bunch of pictures taken and posted on there. Perhaps that will actually work.

I am still getting little bits of stuff for the gay EX-husband done between other things. Am hoping like mad that I will get to fit him for some stuff before he flits off to Engla-lund. Yes, it's true. I, am now divorced. I am, the GAY divorcee, get it? GAY divorcee.

Oh. I haven't gone into that whole story on the blog, have I?

I'll do the short version. I married the best gay boyfriend on June 16th, of 2003. He is HIV + and was on COBRA, which is a huge ripoff and way too expensive. Being married and on my health insurance was half the cost. HA. Stupid country with no stupid national health care, stupid, stupid, stupid. It's not like I didn't know him, we've known each other since,,, uh, crap. If I get this wrong he will give me such shit about this....1989? Anywhoo. We got a divorce 'cause he met a cute British dude who, in fact, text-messaged him a marriage proposal as soon as he heard our divorce was final. See, gay marriage is legal there. Maybe I should move there too. Not that I want a gay marriage, but I just think it should be legal. And if I have to pay me some taxes to some government or another, I would much rather it be to a government that doesn't suck. I mean really, I think our marriage pretty much proves what a fucking sham it is. Who really gives a rats's ass if some homos wanna git hitched?

Rant over.

I gotta go, stuff to do afore the Bionic Woman comes on.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Blog #11, or Color Me Silly For That Last Blog

It wasn't more than 3 days later that the LYS called to tell me that my Jo Sharp Knit #3 was in. I almost feel like I should delete last post....except that I still stand by every bit of what I said about the yarn sales and my 40% off Jo Sharp yarn. HA. I will give the LYS a chance, I hereby swear to go in and drool over pretty yarn at the LYS and buy yarn for small projects ONLY. Yeah right. That would work, were it not for The Stash. See, part of the problem is that I really have enough yarn to keep my busy for a least a year or two. That is assuming that I maintain more or less the same KRPW, or, Knitting Rate Per Week. Have I mentioned the alpaca poncho that I want to have done by fall that I haven't even started yet? Little Ms. Pink Sweater is not any closer to being done either. But I am getting within spitting distance of finishing one of the baby sweaters. And my pink socks. Then I can start Christmas. ( there were more words...but in the interest of keeping at least a wee bit of secrecy 'bout presents, I have decided to say no more. unless of course, the interested party wants to buy me my Tacsew sewing machine....) had a "Sex and The Knitty" issue a while back. It was wonderful. If you haven't seen, you really must. Unless of course, you don't knit. Then what would be the point? Anyways, they have a pattern for a men's thong. I think I need to knit one. The scary thing is that there is a pattern for a women's halte-rie kind of bra top-ie thing, which is basically two of the men's thongs, one for each breast, with a band and whatnot to make it into a women's top. And it's a cute top too.

I am wanting to get together some kind of knitting group to meet at the Starbucks I work at. We are trying to up our sales and when I suggested a knitting group, my manager not only offered the employee discount to any and all knitters who would show up, but said he would learn how to knit if it would help. I am thinking Sunday afternoons during the fall and winter. Sunday is our slowest day of the week, so it seems a likely candidate for the knitting. Plus we are not so far from a yarn shop.

Oh yes, and the boat cushions are progressing very nicely, thanks for asking! Oh, except I realized that I managed to NOT order enough damn zippers. At least it is a length that I can get from Hancock Fabrics on my way to Sunday Brunch tomorrow. Which will be at Wishbone. Jealous? Oh trust me baby, you should be!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Blog #10, or, I Didn't Actually Want To Post Picures On My Damn Blog Anyways

No really, it's true. The previous posts regarding my frustration in my seeming lack 'puter-picture-posting abilities was a ruse. I really MEANT to have no pictures and thought it would be fun to rant about it like I really DID want pictures. Ha.

You know what is grossly overrated in the knitting world? ( if the knitting world ever actually gets around to reading my blog...heeeelllllooooooo out there!!!- this will get me kicked out of the club for sure.) The LYS. LYS stands for local knitting shop or store. It means we should all flit about to our local stores and pay full retail for every scrap of yarn we buy. It is the place we go to for our knitting help and questions. We hang about there, knitting and chatting....or at least this is what I imagine. The reality is that they never have the good shit on sale, and when they do, there is never enough to make a whole damn sweater anyways. I have the weirdest little bits and bobs of yarn, how many fabulouse hats does one girl need? And really, I can only justify so many pairs of cashmere mitts. I tend to buy most of my yarn online. Oh god, it's getting dark, clouds are gathering, oh, I think I see a lightning bolt headed my way.......

I know, I know, "but I like to TOUCH the yarn!" You know what honey? I've been doing the whole textiles thing for, mmmm, my whole life. I have also been knitting long enough to know which yarn companies suck. Add the two together and chances are pretty good I am going to really like what I buy online. Just ask me about the most recent Patternworks sale. Your LYS won't be selling Jo Sharp ANYTHING for 40% anytime soon. And guess what? Got enough for a sweater. HA!

I did try to give the LYS a chance, I thought, " You know, I SHOULD be trying to buy more local yarn. I could even be one of the gals that hangs out knitting in the shop all day!" So when I found out that Jo Sharp had come out with a KNIT #2, for summer/spring, following the release of KNIT #1, for fall/winter, I went to the Jo Sharp website to find my LYS that might be carrying said book. ( not really, I really didn't want to wait for shipping.....) So I go in. I poke about a asked if I need help. Ask about book. Say website says you carry Jo Sharp. They don't have it, but can order it. Tell me it might take a bit..... it's been two months. I could have ordered this book from Woodland Woolworks and had it within 2 weeks at the most. Whatever. They could have at least given me a call and let me know it wasn't coming. I would think that my LYS would be a little bit more mindful of creating a postive experience for a new customer. I can understand you not being able to get the book, but you know, you should call. I am fighting the urge to call and be all snarky about it. Am... resisiting.... urge.... to snark. And no, I am not going to tell you what shop it is.

This is why working at Starbucks is bad for you. You get so used to the level of customer service that you, yourself are expected to give, and then expect it everywhere you shop. I have had zero bad experiences shopping online. Jesus, when I was trying to get some yarn from Knitpicks, they let me exchange my yarn 3 times 'cause I kept not quite liking the color! They never once said, " Gee bitch, whydontcha spend the $'s on the frigging sample chart already?" Nope. Everytime, my new selection arrived quickly with no nasty comments. Purl Soho has quite the lovely selection of sale yarns, and they tend to put lovely things on sale quite regularly.