Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Blog #13, or Bettie Blows Off Blogging,

'cause she got bunches and bunches of sewing gigs! Suh-weet!

The boat cushions, done.

The blue baby sweater, done.

MY PINK SOCKS, done. ( and THOSE were on size 0 needles, thankyouverymuch. )

Mom's cashmere Christmas socks, done. Hope she don't read this 'tween now and then....

I am doing a bunch 'o' curtains for someone. Was there Sunday measuring things and then we went to Vogue fabrics on Monday. GORGEOUS fabrics, I can't wait to get it all done so that I can take pictures that I won't be able to figure out how to post on here.

Oooooo, big news to incite jealousy in any knitter who hasn't been invited to join yet.. I got my Ravelry invite Saturday. Very cool. I am very excited to get a bunch of pictures taken and posted on there. Perhaps that will actually work.

I am still getting little bits of stuff for the gay EX-husband done between other things. Am hoping like mad that I will get to fit him for some stuff before he flits off to Engla-lund. Yes, it's true. I, am now divorced. I am, the GAY divorcee, get it? GAY divorcee.

Oh. I haven't gone into that whole story on the blog, have I?

I'll do the short version. I married the best gay boyfriend on June 16th, of 2003. He is HIV + and was on COBRA, which is a huge ripoff and way too expensive. Being married and on my health insurance was half the cost. HA. Stupid country with no stupid national health care, stupid, stupid, stupid. It's not like I didn't know him, we've known each other since,,, uh, crap. If I get this wrong he will give me such shit about this....1989? Anywhoo. We got a divorce 'cause he met a cute British dude who, in fact, text-messaged him a marriage proposal as soon as he heard our divorce was final. See, gay marriage is legal there. Maybe I should move there too. Not that I want a gay marriage, but I just think it should be legal. And if I have to pay me some taxes to some government or another, I would much rather it be to a government that doesn't suck. I mean really, I think our marriage pretty much proves what a fucking sham it is. Who really gives a rats's ass if some homos wanna git hitched?

Rant over.

I gotta go, stuff to do afore the Bionic Woman comes on.

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