Saturday, July 21, 2007

BLog #5, or, I took the day off of work to read the new Harry Potter book, but really I'm only at chapter 6 or so and went out to a big, drunken,

gay brunch with the best gay boyfriends. My plan was to drink very little, come home, finish reading Harry Potter, sew.

Reality, Gay brunch, too many moitos, come home, eat something hope like mad that the alcohol burns off, eat some potatoes, watch cooking shows on PBS, THINK about reading Harry Potter, squint at 'puter screen, wait for boring cooking show to be over....think about reading some more, afraid of falling asleep, blogging instead. Typing and spelling are hard when you have had too many drinkies. entry.....

I have a huge project right now, sewing. The problem is that I was told I had 10 yards each of the two fabrics, in reality5 yards of each. I wasn't even sure that 10 would be enough. Now I have to call and say, "your interior designer friend was really off, we need way more fabric. " Oh fun. I am also knitting like mad, not now, tension would be too loose. I swear to god, everyone I know who could have possibly had a baby, has, All in the last 4 months. So I am backed up with sewing baby outfits for right now, and making WAY too many promises for knit baby sweaters. egad.

I still have to finish my pink sweater.

I think I am going to SIdetracks tomorrow, it's sing along with music from musicals night and I found out that one of my dearest friends goes every Sunday night.

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