Monday, March 17, 2008

Blog #27 or, I am up at 5:30am, might as well blog!!

I finally figured out that blog posts would be the perfect early morning activity for me. I seem to be needing less and less sleep. I believe this will be even more the case as spring/summer approach. I am so used to going to bed around 9pm and waking up at 3:30, that I have been waking up by 5:30 at the latest on my days off. I should be a farmer. I never feel like sewing this early, I never feel like sewing until the sun comes up. I dunno why. Sometimes I lie in bed and read, or if I have a movie from Netflix that hasn't been watched yet I will watch a movie in bed. Stinkiecat loveloveloves this. He comes bounding into the bedroom, with his purr on, and curls up on the bed next to me. I am now on disc 3, season 3 of ST Next Generation. The theme music, makes him come running. It makes me giggle every time He so cute and funny!

I did start a new knitting project. And have a re-newed motivation on the Man Slippers. I thought I was going to knit a cute little cardigan from one of the Jo Sharp books. But alas, I have not only the wrong yarn for that, it's too heavy, but I don't have enough for anything close to a cardigan. So I am knitting a tank instead. It is probably going to be done by the end of the week. The pattern knits it in two pieces, I did it in the round. It will be a rather heavy tank, but I have a few of those already, and they seem to get worn so I reckon it is all good. Onto the Man Slippers. The soles are in a twisted garter stitch, which is a bitch to knit. Slow and hard on the wrists. But I figure if I keep at it and just do a few rows per day, I should have them done in fairly short order. I mean, they are only slippers after all. It shouldn't take too long unless I put them down and don't work on them at all.

I talked to Mom Saturday afternoon. Found out that Dad's handknit socks are always in the laundry. :) I guess it's safe to knit him some for every Christmas then. The man is a bit tricky to shop for. He doesn't give out many clues as to what he wants.

Now about the project that is haunting me..... I am supposed to knitting a sweater for a Gene doll. She's like Barbie, but a bit bigger, and with a 40's flair. WAY better than Barbie. She has better taste in clothes too. The sweater pattern that was provided, from some doll collecting magazine, HAS NO GAUGE. How the heck am I supposed to do a sweater for this damn doll with no gauge? I will have to just wing it I suppose. I. Am. Not. Excited. About. This.

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