Sunday, October 18, 2009


So there are now boxes of crap all over the apartment. I will spare you pictures, no one needs to see that. It's not. pretty. I seem to mainly be getting rid of books. There are a lot of cookbooks going away. It's funny how few of them I use. I mostly use the same ones that I have been using for years. Just to summarize...

I have 2 boxes of books to get rid of. This is not including the cookbooks. I think I can find homes for all of them.

I have 1 rather largeish box of clothing to get rid of. I was merciless. If I hadn't worn it in the last year, it was gone.

A whole crapton of pots for plants. I have no clue what I am going to do with these. Maybe the little neighborhood thrift store?

I have about 15 packages of varying shapes and sizes to get to the post office. I am RAK-ing a bunch of stuff. I love it when I have something that someone else really, really wants. And several small boxes of books that are going to various people.

I have another shelf of books to go through. Then I think I am mostly done with books.

I need to get this all out of my way so that I can get some sewing done. I have a whole slew of knitting project bags to sew and put up on etsy. I also have the recycled cashmere hats to get sewn and listed. If only I didn't have to go to work.

I can tell it's getting colder. Teh Stinkiecat won't get off of me. Ever. He stayed with me through all of last night. Little booger. He was curled up on the pillow nex to me with my cheek lying on his wittle fuddy butt. He is full of awesome.

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